I started following this dosage for about a week 6 in the morning and 6 in the evening, but I elected to reduce that dosage to 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening.
I have continued to take the capsules at that dosage since approximately July 24 2019.
I had my heart CAT scan on May 31, and was made aware of the results by my specialist on June 19. I was referred for a follow-up angiogram (urgent level) but because of my scheduled departure to Brisbane July 13, I delayed my appointment until Sep 23.
The cardiology surgeon who performed the angiogram expressed surprise at his findings…. the blockage in a coronary artery which was diagnosed at approx 60% proved to by >40%. The CAT scan also showed blockages in several other arteries at approx. 20%. The surgeon reported that there was one minor blockage at >20% in one artery.
Here in British Columbia, the cardiology surgeon indicated that they do not insert stents or do bypass surgery until the blockage exceeds 70% blockage.
Hope this ‘history’ is helpful.